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About Us
Healing Retreat
Nat. Credentials
Private Practice


Private Practice in
Integrative Healthcare

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"Shirley is an experienced, empathic nurse and dynamic teacher. In working with her, my primary feeling is one of hopefulness.  
Seeing the patient through her eyes has reminded me that each of my patients is a whole person who is not defined by his or her illness.
Her insights will be invaluable to those learning from her."

- Renee Haney, MD, Board Certified Neurology and Psychiatry, Tampa, FL

"Something big happened during my first and only session with Shirley. Some
shift occurred and I felt an ease of spirit I hadn't felt in a long time, if
ever. Days later I still feel whole in the way I did in that moment of the
shift. Thank you, Shirley!"
- KM, Kansas City, MO.


Private Practice in Holistic Nursing and Integrative Healthcare

    Shirley is a pioneer in the field of integrative healthcare and holistic nursing, and was one of the first 100 registered nurses to obtain national certification in holistic nursing (HNC). She has been in private practice since 1982 utilizing complementary therapies in conjunction with conventional healthcare and holistic nursing concepts.  A former Director of Nurses, Shirley developed her clinical skills while working at University Hospitals of Cleveland, a highly respected teaching hospital affiliated with Case-Western Reserve University in Ohio.

    She has worked with clients of all ages and health challenges, from premature infants to those facing end of life issues. Shirley's approach is that of accessing knowledge and insight into each client as a whole person, then supporting them in their goals for greater wellness as well as recovery from often debilitating disease processes. She works with those with both acute and chronic needs, including preparation for and recovery from surgery, relief from the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, and the alleviation of pain from many causes, among others. Her methods have been shown to speed wound and bone healing, alleviate stress-related conditions and chronic illnesses, create a feeling of integration and equilibrium and as well as assist those with life threatening illnesses. She combines her conventional nursing knowledge with holistic and mind-body concepts that support the utilization of both conventional medical and complementary therapies and often include:

    1. Conventional Nursing Care
2. Holistic Nurse Caring Process
3.  Therapeutic Touch
4. Guided Imagery
5. Breathwork
6. Relaxation Response Techniques

    Additional therapies are included on an individual basis as appropriate.

To learn if Shirley is able to assist you with your or others health
challenges, please contact her.